Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Moving Text - Experiments

By testing the window panes for our group project on moving text we discovered what changes needed to be made before diving into our main project.

problem areas:
-non-frosted windows need some sort of covering to better capture the light and to hide the projectors light from blinding viwers. (will try to solve with tracing paper and semi-transparent plastic).
-window panes too high up are not as visible due to obstacles (stick to 5 lower panes)
-colors will not appear as they would on a white wall (we were projecting yellow and it came up green through the glass).
-need to further divide squares up to get "higher resolution".
-and, of course, mirroring of text/image so it appears correctly to the viewers.

1 comment:

  1. Higher resolution might not be necessary—or perhaps will just allow you some additional flexibility—but I really like where this is going and I can't wait to hear more about your groups ideas!


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