Sunday, February 27, 2011

Ping Pong Letter Formations

Here are some ideas of what I am thinking about. The table tennis shots are manipulated with a paddle making curves and linear lines. Here is the letter C and N. I know they are not the proper letters to be made at first, but they are some shots I was thinking about. Next thing I am doing is video recording Ping pong and billiard shots so that I will be able to gain a better view of the shots made. As of now, I'm balancing ping pong and billiards to be my track, as of now I'm leaning towards ping pong. When I have a visual recording of both, I will be able to fully decide.

Kyle - Library of Congress Link


Thursday, February 24, 2011

TLR camera Icon

A few no-nos in wayfinding. I love the parachute warning and as runner-up, the "No Rim-shot" one.

Furry Friends

Since creating the whole book and alphabet worth of furry creatures is a massive undertaking, I have decided to do a select few for presentation purposes. These are the five creatures I have settled on.

Lion, Yak, Raccoon, Gorilla, and Bear.

These are the preliminary sketches of these characters.


Father & Son Typography

15 Great Graphic Design Jokes.

I saw this while search for type and thought it was kind of funny.

Interactive Display Window

Interactive Display Window from Marcus Wallander on Vimeo.

03.03.11 Thursday Presentation Sign-up

Add to your name to comments if you can present on this day.

03.01.11 Tuesday Presentation Sign-up

Add to your name to comments if you can present on this day.

Christopher Gulczynski - analog icons

So my proposal is to make desktop icons based on analog items. I'm not really trying to re-invent the wheel with this, but just to propose a more customized feel and try to streamline workflow. I'm looking at the relative sizes of the objects im trying to iconosize and relate to their real world dimensions. i.e. sketchbook is larger than a pencil. I'm not sure yet how the spatial aspect is going to relate yet though. I'm trying to group the larger, broader categories together and form subsets of each. And I want them to have a "print" feel...

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Angela: experiments for typeface

My proposal is to create a typeface comparing digital communication to handwritten communication, and see if I can some how merge them together into a successful typeface. I have been experimenting with my handwriting as well as some of my friends, and comparing them to different typefaces that are often used within the digital world. I will be working with all 26 letters of the alphabet, upper and lowercase. My goal is to create a typeface that resembles both handwritten strokes and the forms of popular typefaces.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Bill Nytes - Table Tennis Track

Hello everyone.
I've been bumping back and forth between subject matter and what really interests me. As a youngster, I used to play ping pong on my lunch break. I no longer have the ability to play with home court advantage, but I can still make some people shut their eyes in humiliation.

After playing and understanding the sport for such a long period of time, I began to think about the loops created when spin is applied to the ball, the point of view to which the ball is being seen in motion, and the field of depth that the ball consumes as it progresses and recedes over the table. If you look at a ball from a side angle being thrown forward it will create a partial loop after one bounce. This linear structure will be the basis of straight stroke. When a ball is thrown against the wall at an angle is retains it's linear structure, now with angles added. When the ball is given spin and thrown through space, it creates a curvilinear structure that will be the basis for curved letter forms. I am going to find different letter forms created by one, two or possibly three volleys while adding depth. The ball's depth will be shown as an increase in size when close and it will decrease in size as it recedes through space. I have a few sketches that I will scan later if it doesn't make sense.

Here are some examples of a ping pong ball being hit through space and the shapes that it creates. I am going to be examining other types of recreational games that include a small balls, such as billiards, pinball, foosball etc. More studies to come.

only $1000 buy now!

Maybe I just never realized how expensive these are or maybe $1000 is cheap?

Taylor - Proposal Dream Ornaments

Throughout our everyday routines, we have desires, urges, memories, that are hidden. My proposal is to create a typeface (Superego) with ornaments to portray the symbolism that people have had recur in their dreams because those desires are revealed in those dreams. In this typeface, they will be revealed in the ornaments. The typeface will be taken from my journal from 1998 where I kept no secrets and let everything known, with atrocious spelling since I was so young. The idea of nativity and a very scripted handwriting interest me. The ornaments will come out of my own sketches. I am stuck at the point of filling in letters with detail like Bondoni ornaments or becoming more abstract like Hoefler ornaments. 

I have posted screen shots and photos on my flickr.

Liza Keller - Union Way Finding Propsal

I'm intrigued with way finding and the problems it seems to create in large facilities, such as malls, airports, etc. These facilities generally incorporate directories, maps, and signage into their way finding systems. In the UWM Union, the only symbols I have found are the restroom symbols, which are not constant. Not all restroom signs have the male and female symbol on them. Directories do not incorporate signs along with the text, and many of the directories are empty.

Some of my goals in this project:
- Establish a list of importance of the services and places in the union
- Define what should be on a directory, and how it should be ordered
- Determine where these directories should be located
- Establish a map that may be more useful than the current one
- Determine where these maps should be located

Here's some pics I've taken:

Nolan Peck - Addressing the Comic Language

The art of comic illustration stems from a desire to combine the visual narrative with a plot containing minimal but precise dialogue. Rather then having one’s comprehension and imagination completely formulates the story’s elements; comics provide a visually engaging hierarchy that defines the paragraphs, stanzas, and syntax of the written saga. 

Through my experiments I will explore the dynamisms of comic language and come to my own conclusions on how to improve the genre, further separating it from the literary structure of its past, and allow it to morph upon a language more visually based. My hierarchies will not follow the traditions of classic literature; they will follow the movement of the eye in reaction to colors, dimensions, and the reader’s response. This new language uses visual structures similar to those used in design and fine art, and I will attempt to construct and understand a new approach to reading visual forms. 

In short, the question I will aim to answer is: How does the hierarchy of imagery and dialogue interact within the comic narrative, and is it possible to expand upon this hierarchy, while maintaining as little of the necessary literary structure, by creating a more in-depth visual language that can be utilized outside of the comic form?

K Dolezar - Wayfinding Proposal

For the first project, I'm proposing to "re-create" the UWM Library map, or actually create it since it seems they are without one at the moment. Finding your way through the 4 floors of the library can be confusing, and if they had a map with specific floors and sections labeled at the entrance, it would benefit the students, especially if they are on a time constraint. I plan to use color coding for the floors and possibly the sections, I want to use a simplified icon to represent certain parts of each floor that might be searched the most. Creating a pathway from the entrance to each popular area of the library will not only help people navigate through the space, it will also inform them on the surrounding sections, facilities in the library.

Scott Carlson - RE-design of the U.S. Signage & Icons

I am proposing to re-vamp the aging highway system's icons as well as refine the current signage issues both on the highway system and local streets.

First, I plan to re-design the current icons to make them more updated and reflecting the changing world. These icons would be basic but easily identified based on what they will indicate. For example, a campground's icon is still, technically, a Native American tee-pee. That can be modified to be a camper van, Airstream, pop-up trailer, or something else. I am going to reflect the times when the freeway system was first designed, 50's meet modern ideals and technology.

Second, color coding the signage of the freeway system so that they are easily identifiable and easy to be seen by all ages and road-able disabled. Currently, most freeway signs are able to blend into the surroundings but if changed and color coded based on direction, type of road, etc., this can ease confusion and related accidents.

Lastly, I plan a reduction in overall signs used on city and suburb roadways. I plan to cut down colors, similar signs, and wording. This will reduce confusion between, for example, crosswalk and school crossing, as well as add uniformity to the sign system and reduction of wording. I plan to remove all wording except where necessary or the use of one word.

Nicole Specht Proposal

In light of my plans to graduate and move out of state, I would like to pay homage to my homeland by creating a series of abstracted icons that resonate specific cultural aspects in Wisconsin by region. The end result being an iconic map that acts as a means of way-finding across communities. More specifically creating images that depict the spatial and cultural differences between rural and urban communities.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Chadwick Addie - Wayfinding Success

For this project, I'm going to create a wayfinding system to success. To accomplish this I'm going to play around with the concept of augmented reality. I want it to have the feel of the street view on Google Maps. To do this I'm going to drive around a particular neighborhood in Milwaukee and take photos from inside the car to make it feel more personal. A green light will display things to do to become successful. A red light or stop light will display things not to do. A yellow light or yield sign will caution people if they are close to going down the wrong path. The final project will be in book form.

David M. Zimmerman Proposal

My goal is to create a font family that works with the senses vision, touch, and hearing. Vision will be used digitally and in print purposes. Touch will contain an alphabet made from a material with tactile value. The sound portion will be a podcast format of an alien show called "What's on Earth." A group of aliens come to earth to teach animals and creatures to say the alphabet.

Possible topics:
Fur: Bear
Water: Whale
Metal: Robot
Leafs/wood: Tree
Feathers: Bird

Other tactile ideas for fonts (without audio accompaniment):

Thomas Jung - HAIR-vetica

For my project I have found a list of 26 celebrities/famous people. All of these people have a unique hairstyle, or at least it was the best I could find for each letter. I want to create a typeface using characteristics from each of these celebrities. I am going to focus on the hair. Here is my list and the images.

Aniston, Jennifer
Bieber, Justin
Cyrus, Billy Ray
Derek, Bo
Farrah Fawcet
Gaga, Lady
Hannah Montanna
It, cousin
Jackson, Michael
Katy Perry
Leia (princess)
Marilyn Monroe
Nixon, President
Pauly D
Queen Elizabeth II
Trump, Donald
Urban, Keith
Van Halen, Eddie
Wicked Witch of the West
X, Malcom
Zsa Zsa Gabor

Samantha Korthof - Year of the Snake Typeface Proposal

I propose to create a typeface with all 26 characters, in both upper and lower case, as well as punctuation. Numbers may be created if time allows. This typeface will be based off of my explorations of Chinese writing systems, specifically those done by hand, with brush and ink. I will attempt to retain this Chinese influence by setting specific guidelines for this typeface, which will be chosen once I have developed a clearer idea of form. For example, I may choose to draw inspiration from the square shape that almost all Chinese characters fit into.

If I had to address a problem with this typeface, it would be the problem of so many awful script typefaces that have already been created. Those typefaces often lack constraint and legibility. I aim to create a brush-written typeface which is usable.

Katie B. - Threatened Wildlife Icon Proposal

I propose to create an icon system that visually informs the viewer/consumer what animal and/or habitat is being destroyed or compromised for a particular product, focusing on products used on a daily basis and/or familiar with the viewer/consumer. With these icons, I will combine the animal and/or habitat with the product in a visually simplified yet stunning way that indicates what is being lost for this product. The aim of this project is to shift blame from major corporations to the everyday user so that the consumer can be more aware of their purchases and thus make more environmentally enlightened choices.

Alyssa Brakke - Braille 3D

Roughly .3% of the American population is blind. That means 1.3 million Americans cannot see color, see the faces of their friends and family, and cannot see color or art. They live in a world of black with only the help of their hand and other senses to guide them on. Close your eyes and imagine being in that position. Could you do it? For this project, I ultimately want to create a type set that is pleasing to the eye and to the touch; physically and visually. I will create a set of characters (lowercase and numbers) and experiment by overlaying Braille over the letters. I will design 2D forms first while working with different textures for the Braille; hole cutouts more specifically. I am also thinking about doing 3D renderings of the letters. This will give the blind the ability to feel both the Braille and the actual letterform. By being able to feel the Braille with the individual letter from is a way to help learn Braille for both for the blind and those able to see.

Bryan Short - Running with Visuals

For this assignment I would like to combine visual tools of learning with the subject of exercise and healthy eating. To do so I would like to create a series of pictograms that convey the essential steps that should be taken when preparing for a run. These steps will range from what to eat to how to hold your head and what to wear. By doing this I hope to deliver a simple yet informative way of communicating the proper ways to exercise and eat in order to achieve ones max potential.

Here are some images I have started to create with this idea in mind:

The McGurk Effect

For any of you interested in audio:

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Keegan Gunnlaugsson - Typeface (My track)

I would like to create a typeface base on the historic brick warehouses of Milwaukee's Third Ward. While taking a deeper look into the architecture and picking out certain visual motifs, I will attempt to represent the Third Ward as a whole. Going forward with sketching an interesting juxtaposition has come forth. The newly developed apartments and condos have added a distinct dynamic that has given the Third Ward its modern appeal. These new developments give the Third Ward a contemporary feel and this feel will be depicted in the typeface as well.

3D Typography by Folding Book Pages

Colored Threads Make Hyperlinks

Monday, February 14, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


sometimes its better

Antrepo is a multi-disciplinary design consultancy. Also It produces a fresh design object for better tomorrow like posters, industrial object, fonts etc.

Think about how water reacts and interacts with different solids, liquids, and gases.

Inspiration for Dave

I know Dave was considering how wet type would work.
If you look at it has a lot of inspiration. Here's one he might find interesting.

think, play, make

"Typography is what language looks like." -Ellen Lupton

In Experimental Typography at UWM students research topics and design thesis work that pushes the limits of language and discovers new ways to express ideas through the design of typefaces, wayfinding, typographic marks and symbol systems. Experimental type teaches methods for expression of type from 2D to 3D, even 4D (time based, student initiated). Students work half of the semester on a 2D self-initiated thesis, and the second half on a 3 to 4D group installation for a final public exhibition.