Monday, February 21, 2011

Thomas Jung - HAIR-vetica

For my project I have found a list of 26 celebrities/famous people. All of these people have a unique hairstyle, or at least it was the best I could find for each letter. I want to create a typeface using characteristics from each of these celebrities. I am going to focus on the hair. Here is my list and the images.

Aniston, Jennifer
Bieber, Justin
Cyrus, Billy Ray
Derek, Bo
Farrah Fawcet
Gaga, Lady
Hannah Montanna
It, cousin
Jackson, Michael
Katy Perry
Leia (princess)
Marilyn Monroe
Nixon, President
Pauly D
Queen Elizabeth II
Trump, Donald
Urban, Keith
Van Halen, Eddie
Wicked Witch of the West
X, Malcom
Zsa Zsa Gabor

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